Masonic Heritage

The Story of Our Masonic Retirement Communities

As a mission-driven, nonprofit organization, the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Community provides affordable assisted living and independent patio homes to the Masonic retirement communities throughout the state and country. With your donations, we are able to continue to meet these goals for our residents. Contact us to learn how you can help us.

In September of 1925, the Grand Chapter of Colorado, Order of Eastern Star, voted to establish and maintain a home for the aged and indigent members of the chapters. Robert Russell donated the land, and in 1931, for $55,000, the home was first opened. The original house consisted of 17 single rooms, five double rooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a large living room, plus the matron’s living quarters.


Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Campus


2445 S Quebec St
Denver, CO 80231

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With an increased demand for additional rooms, the board decided to add the south wing to the home in 1955 for $75,000. Even with this new addition, the demand for rooms remained high, so in June of 1959, the north wing was dedicated for $68,000. Smaller projects were also accomplished throughout these years, including replacing drapes, rugs, furniture, and landscaping the grounds. The building was also updated to comply with all fire codes, and an elevator was installed.

As more and more improvements were made on the property, the waitlist continued to grow. In June 1977, another addition was dedicated to giving the home another ten large private rooms, a large lounge, a spacious hall, and a chapel. Improvements were an ongoing project to make sure our house had everything our residents needed to be happy and safe, including the addition of a medication room and exam room. In 2014, the latest addition to our campus was opened--the Mary Barry Building.


About Mary Barry

As the Right Worthy Grand Matron in 1900, Mrs. Mary Barry--known as the Mother of the Eastern Star--declared a goal she had for the future of the organization: “Our Ritual teaches that the Order exists for the purpose of…providing for the welfare of the wives, daughters, and widows of Master Masons. During the past years, I have seen the need of a home…for those who were worthy and had a right to look to us for assistance. It seems to me quite appropriate that this Grand Chapter should at this time take some action in the matter.”

It took another 31 years for that brief statement of hope to become a physical reality. On September 13th, 1931, the Robert Russell Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Home was dedicated. Brother Robert Russell felt compelled by Mary Barry’s vision to donate a portion of his 800-acre ranch to the cause. His only stipulation was that the Order of the Eastern Star was to build a home for its aged and indigent members upon the land. He was present when the cornerstone was laid on September 18th, 1930.

Our newest building bears her name in honor of not only her vision for the future but her constant effort to provide for those in need. Reach out to us today to learn more about the history of our campus.

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